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Women's March NYC

I'm embarrassed to admit that I was initially apprehensive about participating in the Women's March.

Yes, I am passionate about every issue that the March represents, but in such a politically charged time, I couldn't help but wonder: Will passion turn to violence? My mind went to a selfish place. I had no concern over getting hurt, but I was fearful that I would witness intense confrontation amongst those protesting, which would make me (*GASP*)... uncomfortable.

Well, my doubt was completely unwarranted and just plain WRONG. I am truly grateful to have shared in this experience with my loving (feminist!) boyfriend. "We have to go. We're marching for our kids," he said. How could I disagree? Now is the time to immerse ourselves in the mission of achieving basic human rights for all people.

I'll save you the exhaustion of a lengthy political statement. What I will say is that I was blown away by the camaraderie, support, good humor, and peacefulness evident through every individual I met amidst the crowd of millions in attendance. Complete strangers were holding hands, singing songs, dancing, sharing mementos, holding stunning signs (seriously...some of these beauties belonged in a museum), and chanting in unison. I did not encounter a single altercation. Instead, I saw protesters thanking police for protecting us, listening to different opinions, engaging in respectful debates, and most of all, standing together in the face of this new administration.

I left the event motivated to do the WORK. Don't just post on social media. Call your local politicians. Remain up-to-date on any upcoming hearings, issues, or bills. Speak for those whose voices are not as readily heard as your own. Listen. Show up. Fight for what is right. Be too loud, too smart, and too determined. Keep working, for the work is never done.

"It is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal ---- as we are!" - Jane Eyre, my favorite literary character/innovative badass/spiritual guide.

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